Recomazing Blog

WIN $750 to spend on your ultimate Pirate Metric Funnel stack!

[fa icon="calendar"] 09-Aug-2017 15:54:36 / by Freya Hunter

Freya Hunter



Academi Xi, Spaceship and Recomazing are offering Recomazing members to WIN $750 to spend on your ultimate Pirate Metric stack.

To enter the competition simply:

  1. Sign up or login to Recomazing
  2. Leave a helpful comment when you reco the tools that make up your ultimate Pirate Metric Stack 


Remember: The most helpful reco will WIN $750 towards their stack.


On behalf of the team here at Recomazing, we would like to thank Spaceship and Academy Xi for sponsoring the major prize!


Entries submitted until 11:59pm AEDT 16/08/17 will be considered valid, T&C here.


Good luck!


Topics: Pirate Metric Funnel, Competition

Freya Hunter

Written by Freya Hunter

Is the Conversation Party Starter @Recomazing, communications guardian, community manager, resident social media geek and office DJ.

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